Tuesday, July 1, 2008

GalleryFCB Opening - my paintings

The collection of 10 pieces I painted for this show have been accumulating over the last 6 months with few people having seen them until show night. Now that they are public, I have posted them here for all to see.

Runway 1 - acrylic on canvas - 15x30

Runway 2 - acrylic on canvas - 30x40

Runway 3 - acrylic on wood panel - 16x26

Subway - acrylic on canvas - 18x24 sold

Marais Reflection - acrylic on canvas - 16x20

Asphalt Interruption - acrylic on canvas - 18x36

Eclipse 1 - acrylic on canvas - 11x14 sold

Eclipse 2 - acrylic on canvas - 11x14 sold

Eclipse 3 - acrylic on canvas - 18x24

Limnos - acrylic on canvas - 30x40 sold


Misplaced said...

The space and the art looks great! (so does Kim for that matter) congrats- I know the show was a huge success- couldn't happen to a more talented guy. Is the Marais piece still available?

Kate said...

I am in love with the runway and subway pieces. They seem very different from anything you have done before. When I first looked at them they tore at my heart. Maybe it's because I am in a particularly depressed moment and it felt like I was looking at a way out, but clearly not participating in any sort of escape. Maybe it's because I am listening to a PBS program in German and German is a depressing soundtrack for any activity. I would love to see anything you still have in person.

be safe. have fun this weekend.